Travel Talk

Living in Bangkok is a Good Life


Gotta say, living in Bangkok is the life for me, for say 2-4 months a year at least. Haven’t updated recently because I’ve been doing basically the same thing everyday and focusing on other things. When traveling it’s easy to update daily as you’re passing new places, seeing new things. Need to figure out the direction of this site, long term that is.

Here’s basically the deal, Bangkok feels like my home away from home. I’m sleeping in until I’m not tired as my room does a brilliant job of keeping out that bright sun. I’m eating my favorite soup for breakfast and then hitting the gym for a bit. I’m stocking up on skewers, fruits, juices and water and then turning into a hobbit in my room while listening to house music and toying on the web.

Everyday at about 5:30-6:30PM I’m leaving my hobbit hole and connecting with interesting people for dinner and drinks. On Wednesday I went to a tweet up and it was like ~25-30 interesting people from around the world. Many who write about travel and others who just live in Bangkok.

Yesterday hit up Pan Tip Plaza with a buddy then took the sky train to Suhkumvit for dinner and drinks at the Londoner. Love the Londoner and the owner is a golfer as they had a Golden Tee machine. It’s Masters weekend so enjoyed a fresh beer or so watching the Masters on High Def.

Tonight, I’m outta here in about an hour to grab some all you can eat sushi and a movie with some friends from the US. While I’m writing this a buddy sent me a facebook message about this golf course in the heart of Bangkok… It’s 680 baht promotion for 18 holes AKA ~$23… Looks pretty decent.

Topic of golf, this gent I met at the pub yesterday said Bangkok has plenty of courses, interesting. They will definitely “screw you” on the golf club rentals. It’s such a monumental screw actually as the clubs they give you are usually garbagio of the lowest grade, like the kind you could buy 5 sets for the price of a rental, back in North America.

The internet is really weird, how can a business sometimes make 0 sales over the span of 5 days and then make 3 sales in the time span of 2 hours from 3 different clients in different parts of the world? I’m working on a few projects and just enjoying my time here to be frank. Also thinking things…

Traveling non stop is cool, but it gets old. In a perfect world, have ~3-4 bases where you spend 3/4 of your year and then spend the rest of the year ~3-4 months just traveling at random the way I have been the last 1.5 years. Every year you can “re-evaluate” your bases based on some of your new finds. Anyways, here are some photos from what I’ve been up to and what YOU could be up to if you choose to.

Just remember, we’re all on route to different destinations on this planet, even if we spend the majority of our time on the same congested highways. Bangkok makes sense because before I left on this trip, I really had NO WHERE I wanted to go see except when I’d be really bored at work, I’d stare at some squirrel running around on the wires and be like “I wonder what’s going on in Bangkok right now”.

Tips hat,

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