
Is Addiction Jeopardizing Your Career? Why Rehab Could Be Your Saving Grace

Many individuals grapple with addiction to various substances. If you’re having this problem, perhaps your drug of choice is something illegal, like cocaine or heroin. It’s just as likely, though, that you may be having issues with alcohol or another legal drug.  

You might visit a Tarzana drug rehab center if you live there and feel it’s time to seek help from a qualified professional. If you’re not sure if you’re at the point yet when you need to get some assistance for your substance abuse, you might want to think about what your drug or alcohol use is doing in the context of your career.

We will talk about how you can tell it’s time to get yourself into rehab because your substance abuse is jeopardizing your professional life.

Are You Consistently Late or Missing Work?

One way you can tell whether your increased alcohol or drug use is negatively impacting your work life is if you are consistently late or you are calling out a lot. If you used to get to work on time every day, and now you are late multiple times per week because you were using drugs or pulling yourself together after a binge, that means you’re on a dangerous path. It’s likely your boss is noticing this behavior.

If you’re missing work entirely, that’s even worse. It probably won’t be long before you’re fired or reprimanded for that kind of behavior if you don’t get into rehab.

Are You Endangering Yourself or Those Around You?

You might have a job where you’re putting yourself or your coworkers in danger if you come to work drunk, high, hung over, or otherwise affected. Maybe you work in the construction industry or on a factory assembly line. Perhaps you’re a bus driver or an air traffic control operator.

Many jobs are dangerous if you’re dealing with a substance abuse issue. If you have reached the point where you know you’re endangering yourself or others, you need to get into treatment before something tragic happens.

Therefore, if you have reached the point where you know you’re endangering yourself or others, it’s crucial to seek treatment before something tragic happens. Substance abuse involving drugs like heroin and cocaine can significantly impair your ability to perform safely at work. Seeking help through reliable heroin rehab or cocaine addiction treatment is an important step toward recovery and can help restore your well-being.

Is Your Drug or Alcohol Use Impacting Your Ability to Get a Promotion?

Maybe you feel like you are hiding your drug or alcohol use relatively well. There are plenty of functional addicts or problem drinkers who get away with this behavior for quite a while if they’re careful.

Even if you think you’re concealing this part of your life, though, it might surprise you to know that your boss or coworkers still know about it. Maybe they have decided not to say anything for the moment, but that doesn’t mean they’re unaware of what’s going on.

If your superiors know that you’re dealing with substance abuse issues, they might not promote you or give you a raise. When the time comes to promote from within the company, they might pass you over because they know you are unreliable.

These are just some ways addiction can jeopardize your career. If you are in this situation, you should strongly consider going into rehab.

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