How to Prepare for Selling a Business: Key Steps to Take
Selling your business is exciting, but it also comes with a lot of work. You must manage your finances, plan for the future, and decide how to exit the business. If you’re prepared, you could save money and take advantage of opportunities. In this article, we’ll show you some of the critical steps every seller should take before selling their business, including creating a personal board of directors and preparing an exit strategy—even if they don’t intend to sell immediately.

Create a personal board of directors
A board of directors is a group of people chosen to oversee a company’s operation. A good board can help you make decisions and keep you accountable, but selecting people with whom you have a good working relationship is essential. If one or more members aren’t on board with your vision for the future, they may try to steer your business in another direction, which could be disastrous for everyone involved.
An excellent way for new entrepreneurs to start setting up their boards is by finding mentors and industry experts who can give them advice based on their experience in similar situations as yours. People like this are invaluable resources when it comes time to make big decisions about how best to proceed with growing your business:
Understand why buyers want to buy your business
The first step to selling a business is understanding why buyers want to buy your business. Why do they want your business? What does it have that other companies don’t have? What do they see as the future of your industry, and how will that affect their company’s bottom line if they don’t acquire another firm like yours?
To help buyers understand why they should purchase your company, you’ll need to provide them with an overview of what’s unique about its products or services, where its strongest markets are located, what sets it apart from competitors (both locally and nationally); how long it has been in operation; historical financial performance; recent developments in technology or regulation affecting the industry overall (and therefore potentially impacting profitability).
Proactively sell your business
Selling a business is a complex process. You’ll need to consider many factors, from understanding the market and your customers to knowing your competition and finances. But before selling, you must ensure the business is ready for sale.
This means proactively preparing for an eventual exit and ensuring that all stakeholders understand their roles in helping that process happen smoothly.
If you’re US-based and want more detailed guidance on preparing an exit strategy, the U.S. Small Business Administration offers a thorough plan on how to close or sell your business?.
Prepare an exit strategy
Once you’ve decided to sell, it’s time to think about your exit strategy. An exit strategy is a plan for how you will leave the business and what you want to do next. It’s crucial for maximising your investments and ensuring a smooth transition. You may have many options available, which could change over time, but having a plan will help ensure that your decision-making process is focused on what’s best for both parties involved in the sale.
Some common exit strategies include:
- Selling all or part of your company: If selling your business isn’t feasible for personal circumstances or other reasons, consider selling just part of it instead. This allows more flexibility regarding what kind of buyer might be interested (if anyone) and how much money would be required for such an arrangement.
- Liquidating assets: This option may not appeal if other options are available; however, it can work well if someone wants only specific assets from within their portfolio rather than buying out everything else included within it at once!
Anticipate challenges during the sales process
As you prepare to sell your business, it’s important to anticipate challenges that may arise during the sales process. While most transactions go smoothly, there are always a few bumps.
The most common challenges include:
- Unforeseen issues with financing or negotiating terms of sale
- Difficulty finding qualified buyers who can meet your expectations and timeline for closing on a deal
- Pricing concerns resulting from market conditions or other factors affecting demand for products or services offered by your company
Oasis Partners can help you prepare for selling your business
Oasis Partners can help you prepare for selling your business. We offer several services, including:
- An exit strategy
- A personal board of directors
- A proactive sale
We understand that many challenges come with selling a company. For example, you may want to sell but need to know where to start or what questions to ask when interviewing potential buyers. If this sounds familiar and you need help preparing to sell your business, please contact us today!
We hope this article has helped you understand the key steps to prepare for selling a business.