Legal Issues

Here’s Why You Need a Good Car Accident Lawyer

Getting into a car accident can be an unsettling and bewildering experience, even if you’re not hurt. If you are hurt, your injuries could be life-changing and the experience could be deeply traumatic on both the psychological and physical levels.

If you or someone close to you has been hurt or, heaven forbid, killed in a car accident, don’t deal with the insurance company yourself. They have lawyers, and you should have a lawyer, too. The right personal injury lawyer will help collect evidence, establish liability, and negotiate with the other party’s insurance company to reach a settlement.

If your car accident lawyer can’t reach a settlement, he or she will take the other party to court to get you the best possible outcome. Here’s why it’s worth hiring a car accident attorney, instead of trying to handle your case on your own.

A Lawyer Can Gather Evidence on Your Behalf

When you’re involved in an accident, it’s important that you collect as much evidence as you can at the scene of the accident. Take pictures and video of the scene of the accident, including the position of the cars, if you can.

Call 911 so that paramedics and police can come to the scene. Collect the names of witnesses to the accident. When you’ve chosen a specialised attorney for car accident cases, they will need to gather police reports and injury records, which can be vital to your case. He or she will interview witnesses to find out what really happened. If there is security camera footage of the mishap, your lawyer will be able to subpoena it.

A Lawyer Will Have the Negotiation Skills You Need

You shouldn’t attempt to negotiate with an insurance company on your own, unless you have some top-notch negotiation skills yourself. Insurance companies are notoriously hard to negotiate with – they want you to be happy with the lowest possible amount of compensation. They will fight tooth and nail to make sure you take only a fraction of what you may be entitled to.

Your Boulder car accident lawyer will have the persuasive skills and the tenacity to get you the maximum amount of money you’re entitled to. You deserve to be compensated for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and the forced changes in lifestyle that serious injuries can cause. Insurance adjusters and insurance company lawyers know the law and they’ll have an advantage over you if you try to go into negotiations alone. You need an experienced attorney at your side.

A Lawyer Will Help Establish Who Is at Fault for the Accident

It may not always be clear who was at fault for an accident. Your attorney will be able to collect the appropriate evidence and put together a convincing argument for your innocence. If you think you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence, you’re going to need to prove that the other person was negligent. If you were partly at fault for the accident, a lawyer can help you minimize your liability.

A Lawyer Will Get You a Better Outcome

You’ll definitely get a better outcome for your case if you have the help of a qualified car accident attorney. Your lawyer will know how to get the biggest possible settlement, and they’ll know when you need to take your case before a jury.

People who use a personal injury lawyer to negotiate with the insurance company after an accident tend to get more money. An attorney knows all the best strategies to get you the most compensation. If you attempt to represent yourself, you can count on getting a much smaller payout – and it might not be enough to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses.

You Won’t Have to Pay If You Don’t Win Your Case

Most personal injury lawyers work on contingency, which means that you won’t have to pay any legal fees unless you win your case. It also means that most personal injury lawyers won’t take a case unless they’re positive they can win. You can expect to pay 33 to 40 percent of your settlement or award in contingency fees. You will also have to pay legal fees on top of that. Make sure that you won’t be on the hook for court costs and other legal fees if you don’t win your case.

Car accidents can easily inflict life-changing injuries. When you’re hurt in a car accident, don’t go it alone. Get the help of an experienced, local personal injury attorney. He or she will know exactly what to do and say to get you the funds you need to put your life back together.

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