Fishing, Mermaids, Beaches, Solar Panels & More…
Looks like I’ve been on Little Corn a month day, indeed.
So much has happened in the last few days that this gent doesn’t even know where to begin. The time has included things like “Deep Sea Fishing” and catching basically nothing while this British gent’s soul is destroyed minute by minute as we bob in the ocean. This gent got sea sick 30 minutes into a 4 hour trip and was white as a ghost / ill the whole time, not good.
Was going for a swim when I noticed a blonde mermaid like lady from Australia who seriously reminded me of Elle McPhearson. We started talking while floating in turquoise waves and somehow we discussed my solar panel fetish. Then as though the law of attraction is the only TRUE law on this planet besides gravity – she casually says she has a friend who has a solar panel he doesn’t use!? Yes, a gent on this island has a solar panel…
The panel is now in my possession, more on that later. Have found some new random lobster dealers because I’m seriously hooked; last night picked up another 5 pounds. Then with 3 of the pounds myself, a gent named Alaska and the Australian mermaid headed to a bonfire hosted by “Dangerous Dave” (DD). DD is from the UK and well out of control, met him fishing. Cooking fresh lobster tail on the beach of the Caribbean Sea in banana leaves surrounded by stimulating conversation is a pretty cool feeling, naturally there was butter.
The nightlife here is serious hit or miss but depending on the drift wood that found its way to the island (aka people in case you’re daft), only a small spark is sometimes needed for pure unadulterated bedlam, indeed. Still a HUGE FAN of staying on the port side, the beach side is beautiful though and making it a priority to get 1-2 hour a day of paddling around, laying around and chatting. If you’re not going to enjoy the beach a bit daily, why put up with the hassles of living on an island?
Other news, SHABL Labs has currently put the intensive R&D project to rest. It involved pangas and space ships, that is all anybody needs to know. For you curious readers, no I was not building a panga space ship. Looks like if all goes according to plan, the “House of SHABL” will be on another plane to somewhere in the USA before flying across the Atlantic.
It’s 8am and I’m feeling splendid. Time to make the most of this banana sunday (sic).
Standing back flip with mute hat tip,
P.S: Not a fan of this photo, seems whenever I carry my camera the light is against me.