Legal Issues

Common Accidents Involving Tractor-Trailer Trucks

Tractor trailers often carry hazardous materials that must be loaded and secured correctly to avoid accidents. If they aren’t, those materials can spill onto the road, creating serious hazards for other motorists. Truck drivers should always signal lane changes and make sure they have adequate space to turn before doing so. But at times, truckers may err and cause an accident.

Rollover Accidents

Truck rollover accidents are prevalent, and they can be deadly. Since large trucks have a higher center of gravity than passenger vehicles, they are more likely to roll over when they lose control. A truck can flip over due to speeding, sudden swerving, and fast turns. Slopes steeper than 33%, or critical slopes, can also cause a vehicle to roll. The majority of single-vehicle truck rollover crashes involve driver mistakes. Driving too fast around curves and turns, rushing through pre-trip inspections, or not accounting for the cargo’s weight, height, security, and stability can all contribute to rollover accidents. When trucks carry flammable liquid, the risk of fire outbreaks and explosions is even greater.

Regardless of the cause, such accidents can have severe consequences for other drivers on the road. If a truck rolls over due to the driver’s negligence, it can result in collisions involving nearby vehicles. However, when you are a victim of someone else’s negligence, you deserve compensation for your losses. Seeking legal advice from an attorney is crucial in such situations. For reliable legal representation, check online Site to learn more about your options and how they can assist you in your case.

Rear-End Collisions

Driver distraction or inattention is the most frequent factor in rear-end crashes. It may include texting and driving or having too many passengers in the truck. Truck drivers who speed through red lights or stop signs without checking behind them are at a higher risk for rear-end crashes. Other causes of rear-end accidents include tailgating and poor weather or road conditions that make stopping harder.

Rear-end crashes can also be caused by brake failure or another vehicle hitting the back of the truck. Injuries in rear-end crashes are often severe, including neck fractures, herniated discs, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Survivors of rear-end collisions who hit their heads on the steering wheel, dashboard, or window are at risk of suffering from whiplash. A tractor trailer injury attorney could provide legal advice if you were hurt. With the aid of your attorney, you must demonstrate that the other party has a duty of care to you to establish negligence in a truck accident claim.

Jackknife Accidents

Truck accidents can be catastrophic. A jackknife collision, one of the riskiest kinds, happens when the trailer of a semi-trailer folds in on itself at a 90-degree angle, giving the impression that a pocketknife is slipping into its handle. These truck accidents often occur because of truck driver errors. Truck drivers are usually on strict schedules and may drive at unsafe speeds to deliver on time. They can also slam on the brakes too hard as they approach curves or sudden stops in traffic. A truck’s brakes can also fail due to insufficient maintenance or defective parts. Wet or slippery roads can affect traction and cause the truck to skid, making the trailer more likely to swing out of control.

Underride Accidents

Underride accidents are when a smaller passenger vehicle crashes into and slides underneath the bottom of a large truck. Because a truck and a passenger car have different sizes, underride crashes can inflict catastrophic injuries to occupants. Sometimes, the trailer can cut through the passenger compartment and eject the driver from their vehicle. Rear underride collisions are the most common. When a passenger automobile is slowing down to leave a highway or making a turn, it frequently collides with or wedges under the back of a truck that is stopped on the side of the road. These crashes can also occur when a truck’s safety features are defective and fail to prevent vehicles from becoming trapped under the trailer.

Sideswipe Accidents

Truck drivers can quickly get into sideswipe accidents due to their blind spots. Serious crashes and injuries can result from these kinds of mishaps. They can also cause a chain reaction that results in multiple vehicles swerving out of their lanes and running into other trucks or objects on the road. Distracted driving, drowsiness, and drugs can cause a driver to leave their lane without notice. Aggressive driving is another common cause of sideswipe accidents. Truck drivers may turn left or right too fast and hit the side of a smaller vehicle. The impact force can crush the passenger vehicle or even jackknife the trailer. Passenger vehicle occupants can suffer severe head injuries or even death. Improperly loaded freight and truck loads can also stay on the truck. It is known as a lost load accident.

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