
Golfing @ Bearbrook Golf & Eating Garbage


Went golfing at Bearbrook Golf Club yesterday.  Had never heard of the place but was keen when I heard we could get a round of 18 holes in for $30, yes most interested indeed. Turns out the course itself is about 20-30 minutes outside of Ottawa and halfway decent, especially at the price they quoted. Besides that this update involves eating lots of garbage, running over skunk road kill and driving with barely legal Chinese prescription glasses…

So the course itself isn’t that difficult and my 3 birdies and handful of pars is a testament to that. The greens were in decent to good condition but the golf carts were simply decrepit to the tune of mold growing on the seats, gross. Also the staff aka the ladies at front desk were about as welcoming and helpful as an old boot rotting in a ditch near a trailer park.

There are no cart girls or marshals wandering around, those cancel each other out, one believes. Bought a hot dog from the less then enthused staff and it was freezing, she was like “eh want me to reheat it for you” how bout heating it once? Then when you get it, there are no onions or anything, just an empty bottle of relish and some mustard, delicious! Made the most of it by turning it into a doritios dog, not recommended.

All and all, bang for buck the place was more than decent. Lots of golf courses will charge considerably more for what at best could be described as less than considerably better conditions, just a considerably more uptight scene to be honest. Would I go back? If someone was driving and was in the area as well we basically had the place to ourselves which is a large win especially when you turn on some tunes and let them play the entire round, Caddy Shack styles… Another perk of being on a somewhat deserted course with no marshals…

Afterwards end up at a friends place who also lives somewhat in the middle of nowhere. How do you know when you’ve hit / ran over a skunk? First the smell, it’s intense but we’ve all had that smell before, yes? It’s when you drive for 10 miles or so and it still stinks. The real confirmation is when you wake up the next morning get in your car and it still stinks, awesome.

If you buy prescription glasses from China, you’ll be in for an interesting trip. So the road is dark and my eyes suck. As a result decided to try these glasses I “splurged on” to the tune of $30US for two pairs + eye inspection. Anyways it does make long distances look clearer but everything in the middle becomes like wearing a pair of goggles with water in them, not recommended for highway driving. The whole thing is ludicrous and sums up typical Chinese production from personal experience. When in Shenzhen don’t forget to purchase some “fancy shoes” so the soles will fall off half way through a wedding (true story)…

Now let us discuss the “fast food” options of the area. Frankly it’s no wonder why North America has an obesity epidemic. If you follow the path of least resistance in time and funds you’ll surely end up on the dead end road called diabetes and whatever else. Those that are in good shape really have to use self control, boring. Anyways been eating garbagio such as shawarma with side of potatoes, poutine with coke, horrible cold hot dog and the list goes on. The cold dog below is known as the “garbage dog”.

When it comes to food, this place is hurting and as I reach into my pockets to pay for such said garbagio I can’t help but think I’m insane for doing so when on the other side of the world… Those who live here love to say “you aren’t there” and that is a fact one will not refute. Thing is, if you’re not settled down, really wasting time and energy up here. Lost my train of thought as my heart just palpitated.

Tips hat,

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