Travel Talk

Bocas Del Toro to Panama City by Night Bus

The time is 5:43 am and I’ve just arrived in Panama City, Panama! Traveling from Bocas del Toro to Panama City isn’t so bad. The bus actually leaves from Almirante which is a dingy port town where most people find themselves should they wish to take a water taxi to Bocas Del Toro.

We decided to end our time on the island by having a few beers at the Bocas Book Store. It seemed like the logical thing to do. As we left it began to rain aggressively, a sign it was time to leave.

Bocas del Toro to Panama City

Getting from Bocas del Toro to Panama City is very easy. You take a 30 minute water taxi from Bocas Town to Almirante then a bus to Panama City. We’re taking the overnight bus from Almirante which leaves at 7pm. The bus to Panama City from Bocas (Almirante) is 12 hours and costs $28, not bad. It’s recommended you don’t eat anything too crazy before you go, these buses aren’t known for their luxuries. You’ll arrive at Albrook bus station in the heart of Panama City.

Bocas del Toro to Panama City by bus

Panama City to Bocas del Toro

The trip from Panama City to Bocas del Toro is the same as above,  12 hours. Head to the Albrook bus station in Panama City and catch the bus to Almirante. Make sure you arrive in Almirante during the day so you can get a water taxi to Bocas Town. Almirante is NOT a place you want to spend time, I am sure of that.

When taking a night bus be sure to have a good idea of where your things are. Chances are you’ll sleep so keep your important items near you at all times. This will be different for everyone but be aware that things do happen on night buses.

They also happen in Central America. If you’re coming from Panama City, going Panama City to Bocas del Toro is easy as well. Almirante is a bit seedy but it’s not that bad. Do try and avoid arriving in Panama City unless you’re sure you know where you’re going. Same applies for any over night bus.

Never been to Panama? Read these interesting facts about Panama before you visit.

Traveling from Bocas del Toro to Panama City by bus

While crossing on the water taxi we experienced torrential rain and it was very rough going. We arrived at Almirante at 6:35pm after catching the 6pm ferry aka the last one of the evening. A $1 taxi ride will get you to the bus station. Should you find yourself taking the bus, dress warmly as it is literally an icebox. Seems like all buses of this nature in C. America or S.E Asia are beyond freezing so dress accordingly. The bus made great time and sped here the entire way. We left at 7pm and arrived at roughly 5am so the voyage took approximately 10 hours. Not bad for those of you searching night bus panama city bocas.

After years of experience I’ve decided that the best thing to do on these buses besides trying to sleep is nothing. By nothing I mean drink nothing and eat nothing. There is often no bathroom and if there is one, it’s oddly locked. Also the rest rooms at the bus stops they bring you to are a nightmare, I won’t expand on the horrors I recently saw on my single trip to visit one on this recent journey. Also the food can be dicey, if you are going to eat something stick to chips or say chicken that was just fried in front of you.

We had nowhere to stay planned and met these German ladies. Also met a Canadian who already had plans and we followed suit. I’m writing this now from the hostel lobby and they have no private rooms. The only logical thing to do is crash until day light before securing a room and hunting for a new laptop. Laptops and electronics are not cheaper in Panama than the United States sadly. It’s maybe $100 more a laptop aka not worth a flight home for one. Finally, if you’re in Panama City, $3 or so should be the cab fare you pay for most places you go.

The bus wasn’t great but between the two of us we saved over $200 by skipping the plane, not bad?

Tips hat,

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