Legal Issues

What Happens After Temporary Custody Is Granted?

A high number of separations occur in North American households. What do you do if you experience divorce?

Separating can leave your kids confused and worried. They also might not want to live with their other parent. If you want to ease their transition, you can get temporary custody.


You cannot control how the divorce goes, but you can be in charge of your relationship with your children. Confused about what happens after temporary custody is granted?

Read below and find out what you have to do in the weeks following the family court. Let’s get into it!

What is Emergency Custody?

Emergency custody refers to a legal process where a child is placed under the temporary care of an adult other than their legal guardian. This is usually done in cases where the well-being and safety of the child is at risk.

In addition, it can be granted by a court or child protective services if there is evidence of:

  • neglect
  • substance abuse
  • domestic violence
  • mental health problems

It is also a way to ensure that the child is removed from harm’s way and placed in a safe environment until a more permanent custody arrangement can be made. Overall, it is a serious and urgent matter that aims to protect the best interests of the child.

What Happens After Temporary Custody is Granted?

After temporary custody is granted, the child will typically be placed in the physical care of the custodial parent or legal guardian. The non-custodial parent may be required to pay child support during this time.

The court will schedule a hearing to determine permanent custody arrangements. The temporary custodian may be required to provide updates to the court on the child’s well-being and any changes in circumstances.

If the temporary custody is challenged, the court will make a decision based on the best interests of the child. Once a permanent custody arrangement is decided, the temporary custody will end and the child will be under the care of the designated custodial party.

Factors Leading to Temporary Custody

Various factors may lead to temporary custody being granted. One of the main reasons is when a parent or guardian is deemed unfit or unable to provide a safe and stable living environment for the child.

Another factor could be the absence of a parent such as in cases of incarceration or military deployment, which may require a temporary custody arrangement. Whatever the reason may be, the primary concern is always the well-being of the child.

Navigating the Visitation Rights with the Child

As a parent, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities when it comes to spending time with your child. Seeking the guidance of a child custody attorney can provide valuable support during this difficult process.

They can assist in negotiating a visitation schedule that works for both parties and ensures the best interests of the child are met. With understanding and cooperation, this process can be a smoother and more positive experience for all.

Coping with Emotional Challenges After Temporary Custody is Granted

Temporary custody is a vital step in the legal process of determining the best interests of a child. Once granted, it is important for both the custodial and non-custodial parties to understand their rights and responsibilities.

If you are still confused about what happens after temporary custody is granted, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help and support. Take the necessary steps to give the child a safe and loving environment.

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