9 Reasons You Should Take Your Kid To The Doctor
As a parent, it’s your job to ensure your children’s well-being and provide them with every opportunity for proper growth and development. However, when parents skip their kid’s pediatric appointments, they neglect to perform this essential duty.
State data reveals that certain areas have one of the lowest child health indicators, especially for mental health, because of socioeconomic reasons and access to healthcare. Kids in some cities are at risk of developing health problems early on, which is why taking your kids to a pediatrician is important for their development and long-term well-being.
That said, here’s why you should never skip your kid’s pediatric appointments:
Physical exams
After childbirth, your newborn needs to visit a doctor 6 times before their first birthday. Before they turn five, a child needs annual checkups to stay healthy. During these wellness visits, the doctor will ensure the child grows strong and healthy without any development issues. They will run tests, try to detect an illness early when examining your child, and provide immediate treatment.
Aside from annual physical exams, your child needs to keep up with their immunization shots. That’s why, even if your child seems perfectly healthy, you must now take them to see a doctor regularly.
Behavioral issues
According to a 2022 children’s wellness report, some states are in the grips of a mental wellness pandemic. As many as 117,000 middle-school kids experience behavioral problems, including anxiety and depression, which contributes to the growing rates of obesity and substance abuse in the state. For this reason, you should take your kid to a pediatrician in your neighborhood. Look for reliable Portland pediatrics and book an appointment.
While pediatricians may not be certified to treat or diagnose mental health problems, they can still assess symptoms and guide you to the right resources.
Nutritional advice
Over 90% of American children consume unhealthy meals, such as fast food and junk items. Unhealthy eating prevents kids from getting enough nutrients for proper growth. Also, kids can be picky eaters and often need extra urging to get them to eat healthy meals.
That’s why parents should take their children to see a pediatric dietitian to plan a proper diet plan for them. But you may wonder how a pediatric dietitian can help? A dietitian can guide you on childhood nutrition and help your kids overcome unhealthy eating habits.
Head bumps
Head injuries are more common among children than you imagine. Toddlers often get head bumps as they crawl, roll over, and learn to walk. Not all head bumps require a doctor’s intervention. However, you should watch over your child and make sure they are okay.
If you suspect the head injury has gone bad or if you see any of the signs mentioned below, you should consult your kid’s primary caregiver:
- Blurred vision
- Repeated seizures
- If the child starts to vomit
- If the child becomes unconscious
- If you notice a personality or behavior change
- If the kid’s having difficulty walking or balancing
- Slurred speech, visible confusion, or a constant headache
Persistent coughing
Coughing persists when a common cold makes mucus trickle down the back of your kid’s throat. Many kids miss school because of the common cold as well. In 2022, several Portland kids in Multnomah County were asked to skip school because of RSV.
A doctor will examine your child and determine if coughing is caused by the following:
- Croup
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Pneumonia
- Bronchiolitis
- Whooping cough
Pink eye
It’s estimated that 3 million school days are lost annually nationwide because of acute conjunctivitis. You might know this condition as pink eye, the inflammation of your eye’s transparent membrane. A virus, a bacterium, or an allergic reaction may cause this condition. If you suspect your child suffers from pink eye, consult your child’s doctor immediately. It’s because of these reasons:
- Pink eye is a contagious condition
- It can spread to your kid’s friends easily
- A severe case of pink eye can scar one’s eyeball
- This infection can spread to other parts of the body
- A doctor will help alleviate the symptoms of pink eye
- A doctor will accelerate treatment and help your child recover
- Your kid’s eye will be filled with pus, and they may feel uncomfortable
Ear infections
Ear infections are pretty common among children. 5 out of 6 kids will get an ear infection before their third birthday.
Ear infections or otitis media are common in children because of their narrow air canals. If air or water gets trapped in the ear, it can cause inflammation and intense pain. That’s why you should look for signs of ear infections and schedule a doctor’s appointment ASAP. Some otitis media symptoms include:
- Ear drainage
- Ear pain or discomfort
- Having difficulty hearing
- Having problems balancing
- Not feeling hungry anymore
Stomach flu
Studies show that kids miss 70 to 80 percent of their scheduled pediatric visits because of their neglectful parents. As a result, easily treatable problems turn into fatal illnesses. For instance, there’s a very common health condition called gastroenteritis, also known as stomach flu. This condition alone isn’t problematic, and most young patients get better with minimal care. However, untreated gastroenteritis leads to 10% of pediatric deaths worldwide. So, parents should:
- Look for signs that stomach flu has gone bad, such as vomiting and diarrhea
- Prevent dehydration by making your child drink healthy fluids in small amounts
- Contact your family doctor if dehydration persists and your kid needs some IV fluids
Weird rashes
Certain rashes are pretty harmless, such as eczema. If the rash doesn’t seem severe, there’s no need to schedule a doctor’s appointment. However, if you’re unsure what caused the rash, taking your child to a doctor is a good idea. The doctor can examine the rash and determine if it’s something to worry about. These symptoms indicate that your kid’s rash needs to be looked after by a doctor:
- If it itches
- If it’s painful
- High temperature
- Swollen neck glands
- Coughing along with a rash
- If the kid has a fever and red eyes
- If it’s accompanied by a runny nose
When living in the big cities, your kid is vulnerable to infections, nutritional issues, and a host of other physical and mental health problems. To ensure they remain healthy, find qualified pediatricians in your locality and book an appointment as soon as possible.