6 Tips To Follow If You’ve Been Arrested For DUI
If you’ve been arrested for DUI, it’s important to know what to do next. In this blog post, we will discuss six tips that you should follow if you’ve been arrested for drunk driving, including how a vehicular crime lawyer can help you. By following these tips, you can minimize the damage that a DUI arrest can have on your life.
Keep in mind that every situation is different, so please consult with an attorney before making any decisions about your case.

Dealing with DUI arrest – 6 tips to follow
It is never a good idea to drink and drive. If you have been arrested for DUI, it is important to know what to do next. Depending on the severity of your offense, the penalties for drunk driving can be severe. In some states, a first-time DUI offense can result in up to a year in jail.
Furthermore, the team from Ambrose Law Firm says that a DUI arrest can cost you upwards of $10,000 in fines, court costs, and attorney’s fees. Hence, it is not just the legal aspect of it you should think about. DUIs are usually quite expensive and most people cannot afford them.
1. Consult with your attorney
This is the most important thing you can do if you have been arrested for DUI. An experienced DUI attorney will be able to advise you on the best course of action to take given your particular circumstances.
If you cannot afford to hire an attorney, there may be other options available to you, such as a public defender. On the other hand, most attorneys will offer you a free consultation, so it is always worth your while to at least speak with one.
2. Do not post bail without consulting with your attorney
If you are offered the opportunity to post bail, do not do so without first consulting with your attorney. In some cases, it may be in your best interest to stay in jail until your court date. While this is not always the case, your attorney will be able to advise you on whether or not posting bail is in your best interest.
In addition, if you do post bail, be sure to have all the necessary documentation in order so that you can be released from jail as soon as possible.
3. Do not make any statements to the police
If you have been arrested for DUI, it is important that you do not make any statements to the police without first speaking with your attorney. We all know the famous sentence that everything that you say while being arrested can be used against you in a court of law, and that is quite true.
Furthermore, it is important to remember that you have the right to remain silent. If you are questioned by the police, simply tell them that you would like to speak with your attorney.
4. Do not submit to a chemical test
If the police ask you to submit to a chemical test, such as a breathalyzer test, you should politely decline. In most states, you have the right to refuse to take a chemical test and wait for your attorney.
However, it is important to note that refusing to take a chemical test can result in automatic penalties, such as the suspension of your driver’s license. Therefore, you should only refuse to take a chemical test if you are certain that you will fail. If you are not sure, it is probably best to just take the test.
5. Collect evidence
If you have been arrested for DUI, it is important to collect as much evidence as possible. This evidence can be used to help your case. If you have any witnesses, try to get their contacts, and gather as many witnesses as possible.
In addition, if you have any video footage of the incident, be sure to save it. This footage can be extremely helpful in court. While the evidence does not guarantee a favorable outcome, it can certainly help your case.
6. Be prepared for court
If you have been arrested for DUI, it is important to be prepared for court. This means having all the necessary documentation and evidence in order. In addition, it is important to dress appropriately for court.
You should always dress in business casual attire or better. Furthermore, you should be on time for your court date. If you are late, the judge may not be willing to hear your case.
In conclusion, if you have been arrested for DUI, it is important to follow these tips. By doing so, you will give yourself the best chance of winning your case. Moreover, you will be able to avoid some of the common mistakes that people make after being arrested for DUI.
DUIs are serious offenses and should not be taken lightly. If you have been arrested for DUI, it is important to consult with an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible.