Travel Talk

Too Much Fun at Blog World, Las Vegas

blog world expo, las vegas YO!

Isn’t life about having fun? “You’ll be dead long enough”.

Having a great time joshing and chilling with like-minded individuals from around the globe. Haven’t made it to a session yet but plan on going to a bunch of travel related ones for obvious reasons.

Yesterday hung out on the exhibition floor then went to the Hilton Pool for a bit before heading to Envy for the Market Leverage “Blogger Dinner“. Great times.

Following that hit up LAVO and drank redbull vodka’s like a Russian discovering caffeine for the first time. It was a fun filled evening / day from start to finish.

Paying for it now, sorta.

I *may* be going to LA tomorrow and flying from there to Thailand, not sure but if I am, I gotta get my flights organized … or do I? This whole “take it as it comes” approach seems to be working out just fine.

P.S I hope you are having an amazing wedding Jayme, sorry I missed it “Cags” 😉

hilton hotel pool in las vegas

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