Travel Talk

Dengue Fever in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Good day,

Dengue fever is prevalent in the tropical parts of the world. As a result, Thailand is included. It is estimated that 40% of the world’s population is at risk of dengue fever. Oddly enough for such a wide risk zone, only 50,000,000 cases are reported each year. 50,000,000 sounds like a lot, and it is when 2,500,000,000 are at risk. If my basic math skills are still with me, those in the area have a 1 in 50 chance or 2%.

There are 4 main “types” of the fever and one can even get several types at once, if one were so unlucky. Supposedly once you have one type it is a acute so not a chronic illness to follow. This alone makes it seem less a concern then say malaria. That said, it can cause death and is also known as “breakbone fever” as it can be excruciatingly painful.

The symptoms include: fever, rashes, joint pain, fatigue, vomiting and other unpleasant things like such.

Why am I writing about this? A travel blogger I met at the Chiang Mai Gate, Saturday market recently came down with it. The person who got it is the gent from this site. Lot’s of people supposedly getting it this year and rainy season is a worse time for this, “supposedly”. I had my screen open last night, mistake.

The virus transfers from mosquito to mosquito. It bites 1 person, then bites you type thing. It’s commonly found in both rural and urban areas alike and often indoors or in shady areas. Supposedly dusk and dawn are the peak times but one can be bitten any time of the day.

The death cases are typically elderly or the young, supposedly. Either way, not so cool and something to watch out for. According to my brief research and extensive conversations there is no vaccine, just prevention. Wearing long pants or shirts at dusk / dawn is one possibility although it would be incredibly hot. The most obvious and easiest choice is to apply generous amounts of bug repellent.

I had some, but I lost it, I should get on that. Also if you smoke indoors, probably better to just suck it up or buy a fan, leaving screen open for “extra airflow” may not be such a good idea, one must weigh pros and cons, yes?

Remember, this is prevalent in zones that house roughly 40% of  the earth’s population so not just Thailand, basically any tropical paradise you go to will have this risk.

Now you know, yes?

Tips hat,

P.S: A friend is leaving tomorrow, suddenly and insists on day time cocktails, as a result the RATS for dinner update may be out later, or tomorrow, whatever.

P.P.S: Enter the “1st Class Eurail Global Pass Giveaway”…

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