Travel Talk

Decisions of the Travel Variety


Yours truly has been rather “quiet” of late, yes?

I decided there is absolutely no point in updating you via “start having a boring life” as that is not the point of this blog. I’ve been doing work at about the same pace an inmate escapes from a 1500th century Spanish jail, slowly. I have grandiose plans greater than both the mental capacities of mice and men for that matter. Will they come to fruition? Who knows.

That being said, I have 0 desire to go anywhere despite alternating between thoughts of delight and disgust when it comes to my current living arrangements. I will say that I now know why retired people still work, it’s so boring having endless time, insanely boring, incredibly mind numbingly boring.

Do you like the daily photo story?

Have a great weekend. I have a decision to make… Go to Chiang Rai and catch a flight to Bangkok or stay here another month. If I went to Bangkok I’d go to India, Maldives or Nepal but the reality is, I don’t fancy seeing any of them right now. I am glad I visited most of SE Asia BEFORE Europe because after Europe… Ever been to Europe? It’s the bomb. That said, I could have a horrible case of travel arthritis.

My lease expires Sunday, do I stay or do I go?

Decisions, decisions.

Tips hat,

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