Travel Talk

Wow, It’s Friday & 7 Months On the Road

random road in hoi an vietnam

To whom it may concern,

I was going to upload 5 photos for “5 Photo Friday” but seriously, I’m too lazy to do that. Ironically, most would say blogging is harder, I find it easier to just type for a few minutes and call it a day. Even though modifying / uploading a photo is easy, I’m still not overly “into it”.

Before we go any further, I just realized that today is my 7th month on the road. It’s been a full 7 months since I left my home, said goodbye to my family and friends and decided to go “see what’s cracking” in other parts of the world. Obviously there have been some ups and downs but no regrets, I’ve truly had the “time of my life” thus far, I have indeed. That being said, Hoi An is starting to get stale, time for a move sooner than later.

What is weird though, even before I had that recent accident… I was sitting on the steps of my hotel and saw a bus leaving and was like wow, whether you travel for 1 month, 1 year or 1 decade… Your trip comes to an end and then it’s just another day, like any other… One thing that is cool though, you can’t take memories or experiences from someone. Wealth, status, possessions and relationships can all come to an end but memories and experiences not only shape who you are but also never leave, they are with you forever, kinda like a degree in that regard only way more amusing and arguably useful.

Had I not left on this trip, I’d be working on carpal tunnel, a heart attack and most certainly a vicious mid-life crisis. One where I’d tell my wife I was “working” when really I’d just be drinking scotch in the study wondering what would have happened or where I’d be had I decided to go do some adventuring. Then my kid would start crying and I’d yell at him effectively taking out my self loathing and anger on him/her and feel bad and go drink more. hahah I dunno but I’m sure this scenario plays out, somewhere.

It’s Friday, my insurance just wore off. I think I found someone who will insure me. Most places NEED you to be on your provincial healthcare plan to cover you. They also charge Canadians more then most countries, lame, yes? Probably because it goes through provincial healthcare which is a bloated and inefficient beast.

I think I found somewhere that will cover me as a non-citizen. The person who told me about it said it was expensive, it’s way cheaper then what I was paying / planned on paying so if this works, awesome. Tomorrow, I will do it before anything else. Have to decide if I’m staying 1 month, 2 months or just going full until next summer.

If it does NOT work, I’m on the next flight home. I really don’t want to go home right now. Do I want to go home? YES absolutely, but do I want to go back to live in Ottawa, definitely not. If I was closer or teleportation existed, I’d love going home every few weeks for a week. Catch up with family, chill with friends, see what’s new…

I met a girl from Arnprior today, a small town just outside of Ottawa. She lives in Bangkok and she said that she found many people in Ottawa to be very cold. I would agree to a certain extent. Lot’s of cool people but it’s not the friendliest town, that’s for sure. If you’re ever there, just say hi to rando people and most will look down as though you were going to mug them or they’d catch sars from starting a conversation.

I went to get my shorts today, kinda like “egh this sucks, what next” and they looked good. Like I thought for a second the prototype was done… I had them fix a seam somewhere but didn’t come out so right but they will be my personal ones so who cares. Had them double stitch the seam which meant taking them apart and redoing them when built. Having 1 stitch down the back of the seam is common in Asia. You see people here widen or reduce their clothes as they gain or lose weight. People in North America just throw them out and buy new ones….

Now, I’m sitting back and thinking “wow the market is getting kicked in the teeth, I’m glad I sold out the majority of my crap a few days ago and didn’t get sucked back in form the recent meltup”. Also there is golf in the background, truly splendid. I will note however, when you can’t drink AT ALL, you meet way less people. Even going out for a casual pint at night goes a long way in connecting with other people you’ undoubtedly run into during the next few days.

Since it’s Friday, I suggest YOU go grab a pint, and talk to a stranger, just DO IT.

It’s the weekend, unless you work during the weekend, enjoy it.


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