
Leisurely Jaunt to Chiang Mai Sunday Night Market


With January coming to a close, and this blog receiving half the total traffic it’s ever had this month, I’ve decided to try something new. Making a stand still video or just writing with photos is “old hat”, dare I say.

In the spirit of innovation, I’ve decided to start filming small clips throughout the day and just pasting them together for a true “travel video blog” or something like that. It will also save me having to sit here and slave over an update. Although I’m a decent writer with alright grammar, it’s still a pain proof reading things. Also I always find errors in my writing, I just can’t be bothered to switch them. I don’t write “featured bloggeries” or anything like that, I update everyday.

That said, the market was cool but I realized how I’m over eating like a mad man. In the last 2 hours, I’ve had 2 soups, 5 skewers, 3 shakes, 10 pieces of sushi. I realized this when I bought shorts and size 34 is tight, maybe it’s Asian 34? I don’t know. This wouldn’t matter if I was a cool 180-185 but when you’re in the 160’s, somethings up, yes?

More videos like this to come, I think.

Tips hat,

P.S: I realize the video quality is horrible, just if I don’t compress it like this, it takes forever to upload. Must find a happy medium.

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