Travel Talk

I hate internet cafes

I am at the worst internet cafe of my life, the s pace ba r / keyboard is uber sensi tiv e / pose s sessedand i assume you are sm art en ough to read inbe tween the lines.

I’m in Lao s, this place is comm un ist!? Who knew, supposedly we have a cu rfew!?

I’ll upda te tomorrow but probably no photos as the connect ion is so slow that I’d rather dr ink boiled bat blo od. It’s so slow that I’d ra ther strangle myself with the cor d then wat ch the tran sfe r bar move a t a snails pace.

U sing ga rbage com puters like this makes me so happy I ca rry ar ound an overwe ight 17″ wide sc reen laptop.

wow this space ba r sucks big ti me.

Tips hat,

P.S I also think this thing has a vi ru s, reason #123423513 not todo personal ban king at an internet cafe. It’s also running winbloze 7 an dhas a message “this may not be a gen u ine cop y “, you think!?

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