
Blogging at iBankCoin

Alright, seeing how this “quest to avoid being a 9-5 stiff” is in a valley if you will with peaks to come, I’ve decided to start blogging my unique perspective which is always timely but arguably relevant on the financial world. Sharing it here would be akin to posting flyers for a new trendy nightclub on the inside walls of a retirement home. It simply doesn’t make sense and as a result I’m blogging at IBC again. I should note there are “tabbed bloggers” typically guys that have much financial wherewithal and then there’s the PG for the rest of us. I’m the King of the PG currently, I don’t claim to know much and as a result will probably never recommend  you buy something, ever.

In my opinion the best source for hilarious, timely and actionable market information is ibankcoin. The rest of those sites are so busy being politically correct that they hire douche bag like characters who can’t keep your attention let alone your portfolio growing. On a side note, take everything you read on any financial site with a serious helping of salt. If these “analysts” were so smart, how come the vast majority of them never saw what was arguably the biggest melt down since 1929 coming? Makes you wonder, yes?

October 2nd – Panning for PPT Gold

October 1st – Bears Drive Bus (full of cracked out bulls) off cliff.

I usually try and update daily on week days although that has become tougher with my current internet crisis and and I’ll be on the move this month spending time in Victoria, Vancouver, Las Vegas and somewhere in Asia that is yet to be determined.

Other topics which are currently marinating in my mind include: reasons to buy your car on the west coast, how to beat key loggers on public computers, using hotels as your living room and other bloggeries of that nature.

It’s 11AM PST and I’ve spent the last hour or so checking the market which is once again taking it on the chin. Time to finish a sandwich, go practice my short game and see if I’m going to Vancouver for the Lions vs Rough Riders game. I assume I’m going but anything is possible and frankly, I’m cool with the result either way.

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