Travel Talk

Becoming a Tourist in My Hometown?


I’m back in Ottawa, the wedding was wonderful and now find myself asking the question what next? The first week flew by as I was basically just resting and seeing some friends, now it’s more of an “ok, time to get adjusted or become maladjusted”. I’m not experiencing reverse culture shock but I am experiencing post tourism syndrome. Restlessness has crept into my body like that creepy clown creeps in to so many of your dreams, I’m sure…

For some reason, writing about travel when I’m hanging out at home feels as entertaining as sitting in my car and playing with the steering wheel without keys or surfing the web without an internet connection. Something has to be done to cure this odd state of flux finding oneself in. Hey, on that topic – when you come back from a long trip, expect to feel a bit odd as well your life just totally changed.

Luckily Ottawa Tourism has come to the rescue in a most egregious manner. We started chatting and considering the whole premise of this blog, why not be a tourist in Ottawa? Just because I’m from the city, doesn’t mean it should be discriminated against, no way! After looking at the itinerary from a tourist point of view, I don’t know this city at all… I’m actually really excited to check out and report on Ottawa over the next few days. Being a tourist in any city is so different than a local, this should be cool…

I’d continue but since my insurance company is slow, time to ride a bike downtown.

Next few days should be fun.

Tips hat,

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